Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mad Maddict

My one joy this hot summer is the return of Mad Men.  I absolutely LOVE this show. I know there are people out there, who don't "get it" or are bored by it. But me... I can't get enough. I watch an episode at least 4 times just to make sure I didn't miss a dialogue note that will come to mean something later or is a big FORESHADOWING of something to come.  Matthew Weiner is a genius, and even though he was born later than this time period...he KNOWS this.   I subscribe to other blogs about it, my other work "maddicts" gather at the coffee station at work and go GA GA about it. So last week,  a newbie to our group, said she watched the season premiere, and just didn't get it.  I don't get that! Of course, working in advertising, I can't help myself.  It's drawn from a period of time that to some people, doesn't seem believable.  But, yes... women wore girdles, and the bras really looked like that.  Women wore nylons, that you had to clip to a garter.  You'd shop in a fine department store-not a mall, your items would be handed to you in a crisp, thin paper bag , not some plastic drawstring thing. 

My passion for the show is that it is like opening up a old photo album, or an old magazine from my youth. It is full of touch point references that I cling to.  The smoking, the attire, the furniture, the hair, the drinking, the cars, the ads, the history. It's so perfect. The production people, the writers of this show are out of their minds-detail driven.  Even the football game on the season opener was the one that was airing on the television "in the background": is the exact college game that would have aired in New York on that station, on that day, that time in 1964!  Perfect.

I am mesmerized by the show, mostly because of the  quality of the writing, ensemble cast, and dead on accuracy and detail;  and because it is full of the elements that bring my youth back.  Sure, I was only a toddler during this time... but what Mad Men brings to the screen are the things that are links to my past and my husbands time.  Links to my parents time.  The ash tray on the coffee table in Don's office... "Yes, I remember those!"  The pin on Joan's dress.. "Yes.. my mom had something just like that!"  The highball glasses and liquor set.. "My god, yes.. why don't people have those out anymore?"   "The kitchen clock.. yep.. seen one.. in my friends house. " The cigarettes, hats, hair, attire, furniture,cars.. all of it. Those things reference all the things around me as I was growing up.  That stuff was my dad, mom, family friends, teachers, schools, stores I saw as I was growing up, and sadly those things left behind when I had to clean out my parents home and closets after they died. 

Of course, the Mad Men story lines of alcoholism, cheating, divorce, racism, were not part of my life story. I am blessed to have had the best upbringing possible from two deaf parents.  But those themes were around, and I remember the friends and family who did suffer from dark episodes of divorce, drinking, and family drama. 

That is why I watch the show. Even if the the show lasts 5 to 8 more seasons, it will be fascinating to watch. Because, from our past, you know what's coming for the characters. The turmoil of 1968, the war, lung disease, Free Love.... working moms.   That's what's sustains this audience.  We all know  what is ahead for people, just like chapters in a book. 

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